"Drop" tells the story of a boy named Hiroshi Shinanogawa, who grew up in the 1980s. He became inspired by the Be-Bop High School manga and decided...
The students of Suzuran High compete for the King of School title. An ex-graduate yakuza is sent to kill the son of a criminal group, but he can't...
Crows Zero
In the year 1590, the mighty warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi is close to fulfilling his ambition of unifying all of Japan under his banner when he comes...
The Floating Castle
Reiji Kikukawa, who has a strong sense of justice, graduated from the police academy with the lowest score ever. He becomes a police constable, but...
The Mole Song: Undercover Agent Reiji
Revolver - Blue Spring
Goro is a sommelier who transforms into the titular Kamen Rider G to fight the former anti-terrorism unit Shade, who captured and brainwashed him...
Kamen Rider G
The Best Skilled Surgeon 2016
The film follows Nanba, a shunned outcast who doesn’t have a girlfriend, any money or prospects, a turnaround from his glory days in high...
Green Mind, Metal Bats
Breathe In, Breathe Out centers on six, later seven, individuals who have gotten jobs harvesting sugarcane on a small Okinawa island. Each worker has...
Breathe In, Breathe Out
Genji and his victorious G.P.S. alliance find themselves facing down a new challenge by the students of Hosen Academy, feared by everyone as 'The...
Crows Zero II
Tobio Kurosawa (Ryuta Sato), who has been part of a manzai (stand up comedy) duo for ten years, finds himself in trouble after his partner Tamotsu...
Slapstick Brothers
Tokio (Shugo Oshinari) and his sister Sui (Shiina Eihi) fall in love.
Animus Anima
Friends grow apart after a tragic accident claims one of their number. Years later, the dead girl appears to them to ask for their help in crossing...
AnoHana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Saya Suzuki is an ordinary employee working at a hotel. She falls in love with her elite boss Susumu Tsuge. Through their romance, Saya Suzuki grows...
During the reign of the eighth shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Yunagaya Domain in the Tohoku region is a small han. But at the han, there is a...
Samurai Hustle
"Girls" follows four beautiful women and depicts the troubles found in their love lives and work place. Yukiko Takigawa (Karina) works at a big...
In pre-WWII Vancouver, second-generation Japanese immigrants had it tough. Daily, they faced discrimination, hatred and injustice at the hands of...
The Vancouver Asahi
Tsukasa got into a severe car accident when she was a high school student. She still suffers from the effects of that accident, with memory...
I Just Wanna Hug You
A young undercover cop tries to get back with his former love, while unraveling the mystery behind the head of the police force. Meanwhile he has to...
The Mole Song: Hong Kong Capriccio
Tatsuhiko Shiratori works as a scout, recruiting girls to work in the adult entertainment business. He movies to Yokohama from Shinjuku, Tokyo. He...
Shinjuku Swan II
Masaatsu Naito successfully completes Sankin-kotai (required ritual to visit the shogun). On his way home, he hears that an insurrection by peasants...
Samurai Hustle Returns
A dying girl meets a nonchalant boy who found out her secret. She decided to fulfill her bucket list with none-other-than the boy who couldn't care...
Let Me Eat Your Pancreas
Depicts the life of best-selling Japanese poet Toyo Shibata. Toyo Shibata first began writing poems at the age of 92 and published her first...
Don't Lose Heart
Doi of the Maeda Construction Company's Advertising group has little passion for his work. One day the group's leader Asagawa declares, "Let's build...
Project Dreams - How to Build Mazinger Z's Hangar