Little People. Big Era, is a captivating social drama that explores the complexities of family, love and career against the backdrop of China’s...
Little People. Big Era
In the old Shanghai before liberation, forces from all sides gathered here, and they grew up and down, rampant and domineering. The two major...
The Sniper
On a quiet day, Abin, a boxer who claims to be a friend of Zhong Lang, called the laboratory of St. John's University and asked Yu Shengnan to tell...
Sudden death
Prices are soaring, gangs, warlords, and foreigners are rampant and domineering. The oppressed and bullied people most hope that justice will come....
The Bloody Blade
A rental house in Shanghai caught fire. Yu Shengnan, a female professor at the Medical University, found a woman's body very suspicious, so he...
Gun Mystery
Taking advantage of the holiday, Yu Shengnan, a female professor at the Medical University, came to Guanghua Relief Society to see a doctor for the...
Zone of Death
Located in the Ma Sinan Road Prison in Shanghai's French Concession, the police detective Zhong Lang, his partner Han Fei, and Yu Shengnan, a female...
Monster Reappearance
A railroad worker in China in 1941 leads a team of freedom fighters against the Japanese in order to get food for the poor.
Railroad Tigers