Based on true events, The Ladder follows the spiritual journey of Andrei, a sensitive, socially awkward young man who turns to acting in his search...
The Ladder
Larisa is 16 and lives in a city by the sea. It's a small city, where gossip and news spread fast. It's a city where your image and influence,...
The World Is Mine
Romina begins to fall in love with Valentin, a tourist on holiday in Costinești with plans to become a musician. Romina helps Valentin to become...
Romina, VTM
A night. Dozens of stories. A city. Lică, a taxi driver, is an all knowing guy, while Liviu, his friend, also a taxi driver keeps a lot to...
Taxi Drivers
A short made during quarantine. - "I feel like I'm coming out of hibernation. I did not learn anything, I did not developed personal growth, nor...
Mia, a young actress, is slapped by her boyfriend. That does it. She moves back home and starts planning her revenge. She decides to make a sex video...
Mia Misses Her Revenge
Mott the angel is sent on a holy mission in London and Bucharest. In his search for a mysterious saint, he encounters a world that sends him off...
Universe 25