Another film from the TV series "Polish Holidays", this time illustrating a holiday not entirely Polish, but already firmly rooted in the native...
Love in an Underground Passage
Marek is a promising athlete having his share of affairs with women. One day at masquerade ball he meets a an enigmatic Jowita and becomes obsessed...
The fourth of six episode compilations of the TV series, featuring episodes 8 and 9.
More Than Life At Stake Part Four
A couple with two small children (Ludwik is fourteen and Hania is nine) travel from Lwow to a newly liberated Krakow. Ludwik attends a good school...
The Rite of Passage
A man suffering from tuberculosis returns from abroad to stay at his brother's farm, hoping to make amends, while also beginning a love affair with a...
The Birch Wood
Through various misunderstandings young Basia gets into the custody of several people after her mother's death.
Argument About Basia
An actor is married to a dancer whose drug addiction drives them to desperation when World War II breaks out.