Rebecca is a young girl who, haunted by her father’s suicide, enrolls in an elite boarding school for girls. Before long, her friendship with...
The Moth Diaries
A shy nurse is bitten by a zombie and becomes a flesh eating sex kitten. GRAVEYARD ALIVE is a cross between 1920's German Expressionism and 1960's...
Graveyard Alive: A Zombie Nurse in Love
As a man waits to fall to his death, overzealous morticians stand in the way of help.
The Fall
As a kid, Leo thought he possessed, like a magician, the secret power to make things happen. As a young man, he certainly knows how to make things...
The Favourite Game
When decorated soldier Captain Colter Stevens wakes up in the body of an unknown man, he discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a...
Source Code
Journalist Fred Flarsky reunites with his childhood crush, Charlotte Field, now one of the most influential women in the world. As she prepares to...
Long Shot
Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon...
A pair of high-frequency traders go up against their old boss in an effort to make millions in a fiber-optic cable deal.
The Hummingbird Project