Set in Mumbai, the story unfolds in a hospital that is under siege, where Vivaan Ahuja and his wife Anshika are trapped. Does he manage to rescue her...
Batra family has just four days left to vacate their house of 34 years. Amidst the mayhem and uncertainties of the future, insecurities and secrets...
Without proper fluent English, Ramesh's dream job was eluding him. A frustrated and dejected Ramesh returns to his village and breaks down before his...
Dadi Ka Murabba
A father trying to find a groom for his daughter who is squinted. In this process, he is diagnosed with Parkinson s disease. Watch Jamun to find out...
Based on the true incident of the 2002 terrorist attack in Gujarat's Akshardham temple, the story revolves around the bravery of NSG commandos, who...
State of Siege: Temple Attack
Desperate to secure a dowry for his sister's wedding and escape his exploitative boss, Aman – a migrant ride-share driver in Mumbai –...
Aakhri Ride