An advertising executive finds herself in a small-town jail after being terrorized on a drive from Los Angeles to New York by two hitchhikers who...
Outside Chance
All hell breaks loose when a giant grizzly, reacting to the slaughter of her cubs by poachers, attacks a massive rock concert in the National Park. ...
Grizzly II: Revenge
Set in the year 2022, a group of convicts sentenced to life in prison are led on a mission into uncharted deep space by Commander Skyler (Williams)...
Alien Intruder
A has-been cowboy is given a second chance at the hands of an unexpected teacher.
The Ride
Maggie Yearwood moves to a new town to be near her son, Peter, who has gone deaf as the result of an accident and is now attending a special school....
Blue Rodeo
Dr. Peyton Westlake is on the verge of realizing a major breakthrough in synthetic skin when his laboratory is destroyed by gangsters. Having been...