After the mysterious death of scientist Dr. Devin Villiers, Det. Frank Turner and his partner are assigned to protect Villiers' colleague, who...
Hollow Man II
Vincent Van Gogh comes back to life after being the recipient of a magic potion. He finds that his work has become quite valuable, and begins...
Starry Night
A man who runs an apartment house for women is the demented son of a Nazi surgeon who has the house equipped with secret passageways, hidden rooms...
Spellbinding accounts of personal encounters with life after death from people of all walks of life including doctors and nurses who have seen spirit...
The Life After Death Project 2: Personal Encounters
A psychology student who experienced night terrors as a child must face the chilling realization that her nightmares were not all in her head.
Daniel LaRusso moves to Los Angeles with his mother, Lucille, and soon strikes up a relationship with Ali. He quickly finds himself the target of...
The Karate Kid