With the gloomy, mountain of the Cévennes in the backdrop, the filmmaker interviews an aging village clergyman, who shares his wisdom and...
The English writer and composer, John Anthony Burgess Wilson, relaxed in Italy tells the full story of his life. Filmmaker Eric M. Nilsson met with...
Make It New - a portrait of Anthony Burgess
The second film of the "Bläckfiskens" trilogy, with an emphasis on dreams and interpretation.
The third film featured in the "Bläckfiskens bok" trilogy, a poetic essay about the final journey.
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A documentary essay film in which the director attempts to plunge into an artificial depression in order to perceive the world as a sad and bilious...
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A movie about the culture clash in Tunisia between Swedish aid workers and local people. Swedes and Tunisians both give their views on the current...
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Eric M Nilsson talks to his mother over the years when they lived during German occupation in Belgium. Over a box of things from those years his...
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