The story revolves around Omar Al-Hamzawi, a lawyer who lives with his wife Zainab and their two daughters Jamila and Buthaina. Omar has many...
Salam Murabbae Llstat
Three young fresh graduates who cannot adapt to their society and feel alienated, (Kamal) the young scientist who does not adapt with the few...
The film revolves around a romantic comedy about Sherif, who has many female relationships, and his cousin Mohsen, who comes from the countryside and...
Al-Hob Sanat 70
Set shortly before and during the Six Day War in June of 1967, The Sparrow follows a young police officer stationed in a small village in Upper Egypt...
The Sparrow
A poor farmer finds a huge jewel buried in the mud, aided by one of the village's elderly men. They find themselves at a loss as the jewel is so huge...
Based on the famous story, “Sa’ay El Bareed La Yaduq Babek Maratein” (The Postman Doesn’t Knock Twice), an adventurer escapes...
Lovers on the Road
Tahar, son of a wealthy family, is trying to preserve his privileged status despite the social changes brought about by the revolution. Tinted with...
With the jewelry, Naji then betrayed Aziz and handed him over to the police, and Camellia delayed getting her share. Naji had a relationship with his...
The fox and the chameleon
Ahmed returns from abroad after studying music and finds Mona, the daughter of the wealthy man who adopted him, waiting for him after his great...
Oushaq El Hayah