In the not too distant future, where by far the most precious commodity in the galaxy is water. The last surviving water planet was somehow removed...
The Ice Pirates
In the 17th century, an order of monks in Italy capture and entomb a demon that has possessed a member of their group. 400 years later, school...
The Man in the Iron Mask
A villainous carnival owner traps a young werewolf to include in his growing menagerie of inhuman exhibits.
Howling VI: The Freaks
A love story about two teenagers who fall in love, have a child, and escape from their families in an attempt to make life for themselves in New York...
Seed of Innocence
Various stories of how crack cocaine has infiltrated the inner-city streets. Based on Buddy Giovinazzo's novel "Life is Hot in Cracktown".
Life Is Hot in Cracktown
Jack Sweeny is a young man just trying to get a job. Turned down at another bank due to his criminal record he meets a girl, Rebecca, but also...
Luck of the Draw