Petra Janů – Jedeme dál
Pocta V+W
Pavel Žalman Lohonka „75“
Pocta Karlu Gottovi
Bylo nás deset
Zuzana je zase sama doma
A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately...
If a Thousand Clarinets
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Crime in the Night Club
Dobře placená procházka (English title: Worth While or A Well Paid Walk) is a Czech musical and film.
A Well Paid Walk
Bez humoru není legrace
A very free adaptation of Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus", Goethe's "Faust" and various other treatments of the old legend of the man who sold his soul to...
Silvestr 1978
Vydržte až do půlnoci!
120 fórů Semaforu
A dreadful story about a pub keeper's daughter named Kacenka who liquidates a herd of robbers and so revenges for the death of her father. The...
O statečné Kačence aneb krčma hrůzy
Two closely related episodes. Youths make problems for two local orchestras about to compete nationally, and in a talent competition a young girl...
The young couple Uli and Vanilla want to split up, but lust and money get in their way.
A Walk Worthwhile
Recital Jiří Suchý – Jiří Šlitr
This distinctive documentary portrait of Prague extolls the beauty, significance and spirit of the ancient city adopting modern way of life. The form...
Prague – The Restless Heart of Europe
Theatre personality, musician, poet, writer, graphic artist, collector, self-professed clown, eternally young in spirit – all this is...
Jiří Suchý - Tackling Life with Ease
Miroslav Donutil v Lucerně
Ztracená revue
In 1965, during eminent trumpeter Louis Armstrong’s visit to Prague, Jan Spata then a young promising documentary filmmaker, created the...
Hallo Satchmo
Snadný život
A short animated movie from 1970 depicting a "grotesque image of the eternal longing for adventure and romance".
Osudy malého námořníčka
Jonáš a Melicharová
Jonáš II aneb Jak je důležité míti Melicharovou