In 1993, in Hollywood, California, a decadent ventriloquist overdoses and dies, leaving her two children to be sent to a foster house with their...
Three naïve guys, in their 20s, drive from Illinois to LA. A sleazy real-estate agent gives them a great deal on a house in the Hollywood Hills....
Killer Pad
When fluffy, bubble gum movie star Megan Valentine suddenly finds herself broke and humiliated in the public eye, she wanders from the wreckage of a...
Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous
Two cunning and manipulative drifters venture into Farifield County, Connecticut looking to seduce wealthy and lonely housewives.
Terrence McDonagh is a New Orleans Police sergeant, who receives a medal and a promotion to lieutenant for heroism during Hurricane Katrina. Due to...
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans