Comedy set in 1977, in which a renowned playwright (Alberto San Juan) tries to shoot a social protest drama starring a doldrums folk, former child...
Días de cine
Cranky, crafty and always immaculately dressed, aged master tailor Abraham Bursztein finds himself facing his winter years in a retirement home after...
The Last Suit
Manu Aranguren is a Basque politician who acts as a mediator for the Spanish government in its negotiations with ETA. Far from being a solemn,...
Marc and Rebeca, a young couple, travel to an old country house that used to belong to their family. Once there, they write the shared history of...
The Tree of Blood
Asier and I grew up in the Basque Country. But one day he disappeared, later I found out he had joined ETA.
Asier ETA biok
A comedic romp that celebrates the power of friendship to turn your life around, Dias de Futbol introduces us to Antonio, an ex-convict and amateur...
Soccer Days
In Benidorm, a mecca for impersonators of live singers, Dani doesn't want to be just a cover. He will meet Sandra and discover authenticity, love and...
The Cover
Hildegart is conceived and educated by her mother Aurora to be the woman of the future, to become one of the most brilliant minds of Spain in the...
The Red Virgin
Helena Petrovna von Hahn, called Madame Blavatsky, was an extraordinary personality of her time, regardless of how we decide to observe her...