Vaasthu, Lancham, and Thatha stumble upon a cockroach in a cola bottle and devise a plan to profit by filing a case in the consumer court....
Keedaa Cola
A man in his 50’s convinces his family of misfits to go on a road trip to Goa to immerse his father’s ashes, unaware of the adventures...
Veeranjaneyulu Vihara Yatra
A struggling rickshaw driver’s life takes a rollicking turn when he comes upon an expensive camera and decides to make a film with his fellow...
Cinema Bandi
Aravind Krishna, an indecisive man finds himself in a tight spot when he is forced to choose between two women.
Mental Madhilo
A young girl's non-violent campaign to protect her grandfather's beloved tree from demolition, is inspired by Gandhi's philosophy of peaceful...
Gandhi Tatha Chettu
A comedy entertainer
Mitra mandali