The film revolves around a group of young people, living in a popular area and suffer from poverty and unemployment, and after a series of events...
Chivalrous Boys
A man witnesses the drastic changes in society as he goes back to the Alexandria of his youth.
Messages from the Sea
This feature depicts the new local trend in music called “Mahragan”, through the story of two singers,Alaa Fifti and Sadat, who live in a...
The Festival
Ibrahim Toshkee, a non-talented who wants to become an actor. When he faces failure, he utilizes his wits into coning people, which leads him to many...
Please Call Me
Even though he works as a lifeguard on one of Alexandria’s beaches, Halemo actually can not swim which puts him in many comedic situations.
Halimo, Legend of the Beaches
The film is set in the span of eight hours in the region of downtown Cairo, exploring the variety of characters present in the busy town, and several...
Downtown Shaking
Ammar (Amr Saad) is young artist, who falls in love with wealthy girl Nadine (Dorra), but her rich uncle Mahdy disapproves . They decide to get...
The film follows an unemployed man called “Bors” (Gecko), who hails from one of Cairo's slums, and the hardships he faces while trying to...
The Citizen Gecko
Shehata is the son of a modest gardener who saved all his money to open a fruit stand and named it after his favorite son. Shehata's siblings get so...
Shehata's Shop
A Christian kid suddenly is forced to go to a public school after his father dies and because of a misunderstanding everyone thinks that he's a...
Excuse My French
Khaled Al-Sawy is a businessman who suffers from a mental disorder, which makes him prone to any nervous breakdown. He returns to Egypt from abroad...
The Morals of Slaves