In a story that takes place in a kingdom in the middle east. A traveler came to present a gift to the royal princess in the form of a flying horse....
Koeda Sembrani
Prince Citra wants to replace the dying King Basilam. He threatens the queen that he will kill the baby in her womb if it turns out to be a boy. To...
Bulan Purnama
Mustapa dengan Tjintjin Wasiatnja
Gurda is a wandering traveler, his life is very miserable and forever in sorrow. Fortunately there are also friends who are Duati, Bonto, Binti who...
Musafir Kelana
Machmood and Ali are best friends. Ali's father, Commander Usman, proposes to Guru to have his daughter Halimah, marry his son. But Halimah is...
Dendang Sajang
Sugesti feels jealous because Rochijat falls in love with her sister, Bardini, and he only considers her as a friend. To cope with her...
Malu-Malu Kutjing
Ismail leaves his wife, Sutrisni, in Bekasi, in order to look for a job in Jakarta. Although his brother, Iskandar, persuades him to do illegal work...
Senen Raja