Goadalli CID 999 is a 1968 Indian Kannada-language spy thriller film written, directed and produced by Dorai–Bhagavan duo. The film starred...
Goadalli C.I.D 999
Sanda Yahanata (Sinhala: සඳ යහනට) is a 2000 Sri Lankan Sinhala adult drama film directed by Mohan Niyaz and...
Sanda Yahanata
Amila comes from a small village in Sri Lanka. After losing his parents, he moves to Colombo. He works as a construction worker in a Chinese building...
Peacock Lament
During a Mayoral election in a small town in the Hill Capital, the son of the opposing candidate is missing while on a trip to Worlds End. The...
Fire on Ice
The film centers on three middle aged men staying in a hostel. At a later stage, another tenant comes to stay in the hostel, where he falls in love...
Ara Soyza
The childhood story of king Pandukabhaya (474 BC - 367 BC), the 6th monarch of Sri Lanka.
Nommara 17 (Sinhala: නොම්මර 17) is a 1989 Sri Lankan Sinhala action thriller film directed by Hemasiri...
Nommara 17
This psychological drama attempts to dwell into the mind of Aravinda, whose Buddhist empathy and detachment are contrasted with his worldly friends...
The Way of the Lotus (Devoid of Passions)