After seeking to live a normal life, Logan sets out to avenge the death of his girlfriend by undergoing the mutant Weapon X program and becoming...
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
After another teenager disappears from the idyllic suburb of Sunshine Hills, Suzy, the girl-next-door of every boy's dreams, persuades Daniel, a...
Set in the 1990s in the competitive world of high school cheer-leading, Soula defies her father's dream for her to take over the family souvlaki...
Finally Me
Seven strangers find themselves trapped inside an abandoned hospital after an unexplainable apocalyptic event. In addition to being haunted by what...
The Last Light
College student Ben inherits a curious old mechanical box that churns out voodoo dolls. When a shadowy figure starts using the box to murder Ben's...
Ava and Thomas live--to outside eyes--the good life, complete with a child and a lovely home in Los Angeles, but something is lost. Ava has placed...
The Ever After
After suffering a brutal trauma, Julia uses an unorthodox form of therapy to restore herself.
To win the celebrity and self-made wealth he craves, an aimless, twenty-something Manhattan playboy devises a film based on his party-boy, club-going...
Trophy Kids
At age 31, after experiencing her second miscarriage, Tahyna MacManus was devastated, lost, angry and, despite those around her, felt terribly alone....
MUM Misunderstandings of Miscarriage
A reporter interviews a convicted killer, with terrifying results.
It Will Find You