Made for Playboy's "Inside Out" TV show, the short follows an eccentric dweeb who, after noticing an attractive woman sucking on a popsicle, tries...
Meals on Wheels
Kevin Hart highlights the fascinating contributions of black history's unsung heroes in this entertaining -- and educational -- comedy special.
Kevin Hart's Guide to Black History
Absurd slapstick cartoon-like comedy about Howie, a scrawny kid pushed around by his slob dad and everyone else. He loves cinema and becomes obsessed...
Squeal of Death
Amiable slackers Bill and Ted are once again roped into a fantastical adventure when De Nomolos, a villain from the future, sends evil robot...
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
A man caught up in the glamor of being a Hollywood celebrity has no idea that the production he's in is a fake.
Windy City Heat
In a town, there's a shop called the Plaza Discount Center, featuring toys of all kinds. It should be a place children love, and it would be save for...
Aisles of Doom
The powerful story of the most iconic heavy metal/art collective/monster band in the universe, as told by the humans who have fought to keep it alive...
This Is GWAR