Ingrid, a young drama student, finds herself in the middle of an increasingly uncomfortable situation, as her ensemble and the play’s director...
A young boy named Pelle falls in love with the drug addict Lena. Then he and his friend Proffen tries to save her from the drugs.
Death at Oslo Central
Pelle's father joins an activist group and Pelle has to face up to his father.
The Blue Wolves
For the second time the two curious boys named Pelle and Proffen get mixed up in dangerous business.
Lethal Lies
Kasper Berntsen is a successful stand-up comedian, who has everything he could wish for. One day everything changes. He learns that he has a serious...
Nothing to Laugh About
Armed only with a bow and an ensemble of animal skins, Martin sets off into the forest in a misguided attempt to overcome his midlife crisis. A...
Wild Men
An eight-year-old boy is hit by a car, and a deep rift develops between the two neighbouring couples involved, which will prove hard to repair.
Into the Dark
The controversial story about "Jesus", placed in Oslo today. Jesus drinks, curses and attends to prostitutes, to fit in to modern life.
Norway in the 10th century. Askur, son of the powerful Thorgeir marries Embla, daughter of one of the few remaining landowners in Norway, in a pagan...
The White Viking