Čisté ruky
A picture of generational confrontations between children and parents. A young and ambitious violin virtuoso, Peter, lives in long-lasting conflicts...
Concert for the survivors
Episodic film consisting of three satirical shorts ('Smutný káder', 'Typický prípad' and 'Vel'korysá kampaň')...
The Devil Does Not Sleep
Nie je Adam ako Adam
Šťastie príde v nedeľu
Prípad krásnej nerestnice
Pán si neželal nič
Pustý dvor
The drama of the last days of the second world war through the eyes of children in rural areas.
Great Times
Two female clerks using up their savings to enjoy a few days of carefree life, two plumbers looking for an erotic adventure, a building contractor...
Before Tonight Is Over
Rajský plyn
Komisár je dobrák
Majka "Chatterbox" is a girl entering adolescence. She was born with a minor disability. While her mother keeps scolding her for the way she walks,...
And I'll Run to the Ends of the Earth
Smrť prichádza v daždi
Tajomstvo šťastia
Chuť vody
Television film about people who are actively involved in the Slovak national uprising in 1944. A screen adaptation of the novel by Rudo Moritz in...
On this naive and awkwardly narrated fairy tale it is remarkable that it also established the tradition of fairy tale stories in Slovakia. A certain...
Pán a hvezdár
Deň, ktorý neumrie
Hlúpa rozprávka
Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se...
O statečném kováři
Kapitán Dabač
Smrť chodí po horách
Stratený list
Tvár v rose
Three soccer fans are determined to do literally anything to get to the soccer match between Czechoslovakia and the famous representation team of...
Soccer Fans
An unusual children's film set during World War II in Czechoslovakia, this compelling drama unfolds five different segments that present the war...
The Song of the Grey Pigeon
Oldrich "Fajolo" Fajták (Marián Bielik), a student who directs quasi-existentialist verbal abuse at his girlfriend Bela...
The Sun in a Net
Trip on the Danube
A movie built up of three stories about life in a small Slovak town. The Prosecutor: the district attorney is a jazz orchestra soloist at the same...
A Face in the Window
A story of two old friends, who after ten years - one as the deputy director and the other as the chairman of the party organization - meet on a...
A young Polish deserter and gifted organist finds shelter from the fascists in a Slovak Franciscan monastery. He find himself in conflict with the...
The Organ
Prípad pre obhajcu
Klinko a Kompit kráľ
Film adaptation of Rudolf Jašík's novel of the same name. The plot of the film is situated in the forties of our century, in the first...
Saint Elizabeth Square
Nylon Moon
Odhalenie Alžbety Báthoryčky
A dramatic story from the setting of a youth de tention center. Youngster Jakub, out of delusory solidarity, gets convicted of theft and goes to...
The Sheriff Behind Bars
Svetlo na spodnej haluzi
Veľké preteky
Jeden deň pre starú paniu
Vrah zo záhrobia
A film about the dramatic lives ofthe people of the village of Ráztoka during WW I. Women are left without husbands, families fall apart,...
Živý bič
Elixír života
Vráťte mi školné
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the...
Three Daughters
Hostinec pod gaštanom
Smrť Márie Jankovskej
Pomsta starej dámy alebo Na každého raz dôjde
Na brehu priezračnej rieky
Drama about the rebellion of the Trencín Infantry Regiment against its superior officers in the Serbian city of Kragujevac, at the end of the...
Ako klamal jej mužovi
„Malý omyl“
Television movie based upon motives of novel "Dávid Šťúbrik" by G. K. Zechenter - Laskomerský. Supposed natural...
Stávka o Leokádiu
Statky zmätky
Oblaky = modriny
A tragic story of two young people who are in the precious moments of first emotional flare deeply disappointed by the shallow feelings of their...
Láska neláskavá
A tragicomedy about people who are able to make use of the war situation for their own benefit. The Gavora family of four leave their secure village...
Naši pred bránami
Rekviem za rytierov
Dosť dobrí chlapi
Páni sa zabávajú
Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa
Rosný bod
Veľký mogul
O tom, ako šibal Peterko mäsiara Kocha prekabátil
Third Clinch for Tommy
Deň slnovratu
Očovské pastorále
Trofej neznámeho strelca
A funny outlaw tale inspired by traditional folk humour. Pacho is no ordinary outlaw. He detests injustice and feudal oppression and he copes with...
Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe
Neďaleko do neba
A family saga taking place mostly in a small Slovak village over a period of thirty years (1887–1917). The first part captures the life of...
The Millennial Bee
Zrelá mladosť
Sudca vo vlastnej pasci
A Slovak comedy from director Štefan Uher and screenwriter Alfonz Bednár.
The Genius
Neodchádzaj nocou letnou
Sebechlebskí hudci
Rok na dedine
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro...
This is a ballad about love, hate, and a search for a way out of loneliness. It is a dramatic story about the strange potter, Martin Leaps, nicknamed...
Dragon's Return
Seven people waiting for their death. A group of assasins - three men and two women - and Gypsy thief spend their time in prison to be tucked up.
The Ballad of Seven Hanged Men
Kosenie Jastrabej lúky
This is a political picture about the Bulgarian revolutionary Georgi Dimitrov. In 1933 during the Reichstag Fire Trial trumped-up charges of having...
Hammer or Anvil
In this bitingly satirical film Peter Slovan, a continuous source of trouble for the film functionaries of the socialist Slovakia, tackles an...
The Barnabás Kos Case
Krutá ľúbosť
The son of a charcoal burner was once prophesied as a child to marry the daughter of a king. The king tries to prevent this by all means.
Plavčík a Vratko
O ľuďoch a čarodejníkoch
Volanie démonov
A story of a small-town boy growing up in love and despair and family troubles that make him take on a critical attitude towards his surroundings....
Jays in the Head
Skrytý prameň
Kmotor Remenár a kmotor Hrebenár
Young couple separated by World War 2, dream of being reunited years later.
Interrupted Song
Archimedov zákon
Tango pre medveďa
A 1984 Slovak language drama film directed by Martin Tapák.
Dies irae
Vták nociar
Zlatý hlas
Dve frašky
Hriech Kataríny Padychovej
V piatok, trinásteho...
A comedy film taking an ironic view of the bourgeois period prior to the First World War.
Svědek umírajícího času
Skleníková Venuša